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Home . About . Contact . GPS . Download . Business . Partners . Family . AVL . Links . History . Snoopy . Robin's CV . Hobbies . AsOnTV

Robin's "More" page - links to a few of his hundreds of web pages :-)

"It's like having a little friend in the car with you" ... or a little friend in your (top) pocket :-)

Introduction from Robin Lovelock in Sunninghill

Robin little friend in your top pocket PC in Car This page was created not long after my web site was born, in 1995. The link from my Home page took you to more specialised pages about my GPS Software,GPSS. However, my web site rapidly grew to a wider range of subjects, as you will see below.

It takes me just a few seconds, using that old DOS command from the 1970s, of "dir *.htm", on my hard disk copy, to see that I have over 520 or 840 web pages, depending if I count those in the main or sub-folders. Most will be of no interest now to anyone :-)

I use some of my web pages to aid my memory, the most obvious examples are the Christmas Newsletters, or Hobby pages. But there are many more. I must confess to occasionally using search engines like Google or Bing to find something well tucked away. Sometimes I have the pleasure of old friends contacting me from overseas.

Perhaps my web sites greatest value to me is being able to respond to a question with a link, where the question has already been answered, usually with pictures, and maybe even an amusing video. In March 2021, then again in July 2024, I decided to add links to some of my most useful pages, and add this introduction. But much of the page, such as those pictures, remains the same.

Don't get lost :-)

Some of these pages are new, and some are very old indeed; to confuse you, they are not in any particular order :-)

Christmas Newsletters: 2023, Wedding2, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 09, 08, 07, 06, 05, Wedding, 04, 03, 02, 01, 00, Parachutes, 99, 98, 97, 96 and 95.
Friends Robin has worked and played with at City University, Ferranti, SHAPE Technical Centre, EASAMS, and GPSS Links pages.
Guys who have their own page include Bert Davies, Jack Ponsford, Len Lovelock, and Eric Horn.
June Nagivates Robin :-) Tap or Click on Home for Robin's "Home" page of - introducing Robin and his old GPS Software - GPSS.
Tap or Click on About for the old page about Robin Lovelock and Sunninghill Systems.
Tap or Click on Contact for our contact details, unchanged and public for decades.
Tap or Click on Business for the old page about doing business with Robin.
Tap or Click on Partners for the old page about Robin's business partners.
Tap or Click on GPS for the page providing advice on getting a GPS.
Tap or Click on AVL for doing remote tracking with GPSS.
Tap or Click on Inmarsat-C for use of GPSS with Inmarsat-C Satcomms.
Tap or Click on Thuraya for use of GPSS with Thuraya Satcomms.
Tap or Click on Safety for GPSS and Safety page.
Tap or Click on Family for more about Robin, the Lovelock Family, & Sunninghill
Tap or Click on AMRA for the public Armitage and Murray Courts Residents Association (AMRA) page.
Tap or Click on Sunninghill for Robin's old "Sunninghill" page.
Tap or Click on FreeCopy for the old page from February 2000: pioneering work in Ukraine, Brazil, Singapore, Taiwan, & Portugal :-)
Tap or Click on TSCOPE for Robin's "Telescope" page. e.g. photographs of the Moon.
Tap or Click on History for GPSS Product History and Sunninghill Business Strategy.
Tap or Click on Holiday for Robin and June's Holiday page.
Tap or Click on for Robin's charity site, or here
Tap or Click on TAM for Robin's Model Aircraft hobby Page - plus Ducks and Puppy dog :-)
Tap or Click on Caching for Robin's geocaching hobby page.
Nagivate Tap or Click on Geocache for geocaches planted by Robin and June.
Tap or Click on Cartoons for Robin's Cartoons and amusing pictures like Spaghetti Trees :-)
Tap or Click on Klaus for Robin's "Klaus" page - for his German friends. e.g. scary "Is it Safe ?" at dentists and Fawlty Towers :-)
Tap or Click on Drone for Robin's "Drone" page. e.g. Dick's demonstration of his drone INSIDE Robin's home :-)
Tap or Click on Radio for GPS Software and Radio communications - mostly for HAMs.
Tap or Click on DF1 for GPS Software and Radio Direction Finding (RDF).
Tap or Click on FALCONDF for Finding Falcons using GPS and RDF.
Tap or Click on OLDCAR for Robin's Old Car page.
Tap or Click on GGNEWCAR for Robin's New Car page.
Tap or Click on Walks for Robin's "Walks" page.
Tap or Click on Roof for Robin's "Roof" page, including work on house, like a new Kitchen ? :-)
Tap or Click on Garden for Robin's "Garden" page - now less of a wilderness ? :-)
Tap or Click on Tody - our new cat - and earlier cats that helped Robin :-)
Tap or Click on Camper Van - our Motorhome, that we got in July 2021 - for Robin's robot boats ? :-)
Tap or Click on CHOBHAM - including it's military history, Treacle Mines, the Tank Factory, and more ! :-)
Tap or Click on MapImage for adding Maps from free aerial photos
Tap or Click on LasVegas for old Las Vegas Exhibition aerial photos, etc
Tap or Click on Car4Sale for when we sold our old Merc E240 in 2014
Tap or Click on lisbexpo for old Portugal Exhibition, etc
Tap or Click on lmshow97 for old London Motor Show, etc
Tap or Click on speechin for using speech input software with GPSS.
Tap or Click on speak for using text-to-speech software with GPSS.
Tap or Click on autorout for using Microsoft AutoRoute and Trips CDs with GPSS.
Tap or Click on ozimap for use of AUSLIG CDROMs for Australia with GPSS.
Tap or Click on language to make GPSS speak your Language, including Russian and Japanese.
Tap or Click on overseas for information on Maps & Sounds for Many Countries.
Tap or Click on japanmap for how to import free street maps of Japan.
Tap or Click on getmappi for how to import maps from
Tap or Click on baseline for what the v5.95 GPSS Baseline can do.
Tap or Click on oldnew for old and new pre-release copies of GPSS.
Red Kite video Tap or Click on Red Kites for Robin's old hobby of filming Red Kites from the air.
Tap or Click on nmefiles for recording and analysis with GPSS.
Tap or Click on waypoint for uploading and downloading data to your hand-held GPS.
Tap or Click on garmin for old Garmin page and GARDOWN.
Tap or Click on txt2gtx for USA Government mapping web site and TXT2GTX.
Tap or Click on ffindex for the Homepage in April and May 2015 (set up 9th May).
Tap or Click on soarer for those who already have an in-car navigation system.
Tap or Click on gpssoncefor GPSS on CE and PDAs page.
Tap or Click on arp for the Automatic Route Planner page.
Tap or Click on whereru for mobile phone-to-phone tracking page.
Tap or Click on intro for old simple Introduction to GPSS.
Tap or Click on smile for old Notebook PC with Smile GPS from Taiwan.
Tap or Click on moredet for old Answers to Questions.
Tap or Click on japanese for information for the Japanese.
Tap or Click on pricelst for the GPSS Price List
Utube video on Nick Knowless and Robin's GPS Software Tap or Click on AsOnTV for the "AsOnTV" page - Robin's GPS Software and free TV publicity ;-)
Tap or Click on mv1 for the old AVL - Remote Multiple Vehicle Tracking page.
Tap or Click on freepub for the old Free Publicity Opportunities page.
Tap or Click on tuniliby for the old 4x4 page.
Tap or Click on osag for ASCOT map credits, changed in October 2002, explained.
Tap or Click on new if you can do a better web site than Robin.
Tap or Click on amraold for the old AMRA page.
Tap or Click on clustr for the Clustrmaps test page.
Tap or Click on wheelbar for the Sunninghill Wheelbarrow Race page.
Tap or Click on Barossa for Robin's 1992 "Barossa Operation" page - field trials with the British Army.
Tap or Click on Snoopy for Robin's 1992 "Snoopy" page - Trans-Atlantic Robot Boat hobby since 2008.
Tap or Click on Blog for introduction to, and links to Snoopy's Blog pages below.
Tap or Click on BlogX1 Experimental work from 2008 until the March 2015 Atlantic Attempt.
Tap or Click on BlogX Background experimental work from 2015 Attempt until now.
Tap or Click on Blog1 from February 2013 until Boat9's October 2013 Atlantic Attempt.
Tap or Click on Blog2 from October 2013 until Boat10's September 2014 Atlantic Attempt.
Snoopy's 2012 Atlantic Attempt on BBC TV Tap or Click on Blog3 from Boat10's September 2014 Atlantic Attempt, until the good November 2014 Attempt.
Tap or Click on Blog4 from Boat10's November 2014 Atlantic Attempt, until the March 2015 Attempt.
Tap or Click on Blog5 from Boat10's March 2015 Atlantic Attempt, until the October 2016 Attempt.
Tap or Click on Blog6 from the October 2016 Attempt that on 15th December 2017.
Tap or Click on Blog7 from the 15th December 2017 Attempt until that in June 2019.
Tap or Click on Blog8 Snoopy's June 2019 Attempt until & Preparing for next Attempt.
Tap or Click on Blog9 Snoopy's August 2022 Attempt.
Tap or Click on Blog10 Preparing Snoopy for the 2024 Atlantic Attempt.
Tap or Click on Snoopy's Traffic page - monitoring nearby sea traffic.
Tap or Click on addmaps for adding Maps into GPSS - more technical *
Tap or Click on onballoo for GPS Software and Hot Air Balloons. *
Tap or Click on airgpss for GPS Software In The Air. *
Barossa Utube video of The Barossa Operation Tap or Click on onwater for GPS Software On Water. *
Tap or Click on police for GPS Software and Police. *
Tap or Click on logistic for GPS Software and Logistics. *
Tap or Click on ldriver for GPS Software and Driving Schools. *
Tap or Click on onbikes for GPS Software and Bikers. *
Tap or Click on onfoot for GPS and Walkers. *
Tap or Click on golf for GPSS and Golf. *

Tap or Click on DVLA Funny Farm page :-) for "DVLA Funny Farm" page - under construction

Tap or Click on 47peaks for GPS and Mountains. *

Robin Lovelock on BBC TV The Politics Show for Coughlan Campaign Tap or Click on thatcher for the thatched roof page :-)

The old Forum has not been used for years.
for NPL mirroring and search engines: GPS and GPS Software and GPS Tracker

Old welcome messages in different languages:

This stuff below was originally on the download page:


GPSSAIR.EXE is a self-extracting file holding additional sounds, plus a few other files like Icons, to support the 'in the air' facilities within GPSS. 'National Site' has also been changed to the more suitable 'Interesting Place' text and sound in GPSS.CAT, GPSS.FND and $LNTEH.WAV.
DOWNLOAD GPSSAIR.EXE from alternative site (134,371 bytes)

DOWNLOAD THEWORLD.EXE from alternative Site (280,279 bytes)
These 9 maps and 35 sounds fill the gap between THEWORLD map in GPSS and the more detailed maps for particular countries.

Who has visited this "More" page ?

Robin Lovelock From Robin: It's very convenient for me, that there are so few visitors to this page: just those given the link. See map and words near end of my Home page ;-)

Visit Counter after reply to Microtransat Group The visit counters may give a rough indication on who else is visiting, or has visited, this page. I don't hide or disguise my visits, but they may appear as "Ascot", or miles away, like "Southend-on-Sea, England" (on my Lounge PC), or "Nottingham, England" ( on the Study PC). Positions may not be accurate, but times are. These may change at any time, without control by me. e.g. if we have a power cut, or I reboot a router. So, you may see if I'm "working" in the Study, or "playing" in Lounge :-)

Not all visits are seen, and some browsers hide location, but you may find Revolvermaps livestats for "More" page interesting.

The video on the right shows several guys visiting my "Covid19" page at the same time, after I posted the link on the Microtransat forum :-)

© 1991-2024 Robin Lovelock.

There have been Hit Counter by Digits visits to this page counted by since 17th July 2024.