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Len Lovelock

March 2018: Here are a few old photos that say more than words. Click on them to enlarge...

Len Lovelock Len Lovelock Len Lovelock Len Lovelock Len Lovelock Len Lovelock Len Lovelock Len Lovelock Len Lovelock Len Lovelock Len Lovelock Len Lovelock Len Lovelock Len Lovelock Len Lovelock Len Lovelock Len Lovelock Len Lovelock Len Lovelock Len Lovelock Len Lovelock Ruby and Berny Sharp

white strip Robin Lovelock Len Lovelock from Robin Lovelock in March 2018: This page had been unchanged since January 2002, holding only the funeral handout near the end.

I thought it was about time that I added those photos above and results from research into my dad's war years. Some of you may see the difference in cap badge, from the Tank Regiment to the Glider Regiment. Horsa Gliders were used to land troops at Arnhem.

I wished I'd asked dad more questions, but I do remember his telling me how he broke his ankle, at Woodley Airdrome when having a flying lesson in a Tiger Moth. He forgot to put the flaps down before landing, so shot off the end of the runway ! He said that his instructor became a famous actor, and it seems it was Richard Todd . I also recall how he said it was much easier to jump out of a 'plane wearing a parachute, rather than from a balloon, tethered to the ground ! If it were not for that flying accident, Arnhem might have been next, and I might not be here.

On 7th March I visited Museum of Berkshire Aviation at Woodley, then the Museum of Army Flying at Middle Wallop. Thanks for SGTLEN.ZIP .

My Uncle Bernie Sharp, above, confirms that my dad broke his ankle, and not his leg. Also, that the pilots trained to fly the gliders, would then be stretcher-bearers, since they would not have had time for all the other training. I must gather paperwork to apply for dad's old military records.

Photos below: Dad, Horsa Glider, then two photos from Woodley, then two from Middle Wallop: not very relevant to dad, but interesting visits anyway. white strip

Len Lovelock Horsa Glider Robin at Woodley Tiger Moth at Woodley Robin at Middle Wallop NBC kit white strip

January 2002: Len Lovelock, Robin's father, passed away peacefully on Friday 18th January 2002. The three images below are the cover and pages of a small handout produced by Robin for friends and relatives, including those attending the service on Monday 28th January.

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© 1991-2018 Robin Lovelock, Sunninghill Systems.

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