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Links to Other People and Web Sites
Please do not abuse the fact that you may e-mail these people.
Note that we've used images to make it more difficult for spammers:
you can read but not click on the email links.
These people have used GPSS and may share an interest or hobby with you.
Please e-mail Robin Lovelock on
for change of details or removal.
Robin keeps the list up-to-date, but some links may be very old.
* Please do not expect these lat/lon locations to be very accurate: some, like Robin's,
may take you close to the persons home or office. However, many were
submitted before May 2000, when GPS was only accurate to 100 metres.
A few people prefer not to disclose an exact location, and some make
mistakes when they provide this information. However, we hope the locations
are accurate enough for this purpose of putting people in email contact
with others near where they live, work, or visit on holiday.
USA: click here for links into Alaska,
Hawaii & rest of USA
UK Mainland : click here for links into UK Mainland and
here for last page of UK links
Canada: click here for links into Canada
Benelux: click here for links into Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland
Germany: click here for links into Germany
Scandinavia: Denmark, Faroes, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden
Southern Europe:
Crete, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Greece, Italy, Malta,
Portugal, Spain, Turkey
Central Europe:
Andora, Austria,
Estonia, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Switzerland.
Central and South America:
Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia,
Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Equador, Falkland Islands, Grenada, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica,
Mexico, Panama, Paraquay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Suriname,
US Virgin Islands, Venezuala.
Australia Region: click here for links into Australia, New Caledonia & New Zealand
Contact details of
GPSS Partners
licenced to use GPSS for
here for using speech input software with GPSS.
www.maps-gps-info.com - lots of links and good info.
for discussion related to GPS Software from this web site www.gpss.co.uk
- Steve Litchfield's Library of Psion 3a Software.
Notebook PC suppliers are too numerous to mention. These
are suppliers of PC computers designed for vehicle installation.
e.g. with a touch screen suitable for dashboard mounting.
Please do NOT use these email addresses for bulk e-mail.
Please do not distribute these addresses to others who might mis-use them.
e.g. UK Robin Lovelock on gpss
at 512382N0003960W Sunninghill.
Author of this site and
All these people have registered GPSS after testing it with their GPS.
Very few have asked to be removed from these lists, started in 1997.
Please provide full contact details to give Robin confidence you are that person ;-)
The last page for each country will have the most recent people joining.
Robin often find's the nearest people to you, when provided your lat/lon. *
The most recent links are on the
Last page of USA Links
See Central & South America below for Puerto Rico.
UK (Ireland), Channel Islands, and Eire : click here for Ireland and Channel Isles
GPSS Partners list
Software Suitable for Use with GPSS
Places to Find Links to Many More GPS Web Sites
- lots of good GIS and GPS Links, including GPS business.
- good search engines. e.g. try "gps software" :-)
www.gpshobby.info - Introduction to Geocaching and links to geocaching sites.
NewsGroups - For Discussion, Broadcasting Questions, etc
- for discussion related to GPS.
- original GPS newsgroup (more technical ?).
- for discussion related to GIS (Geographic Information Systems).
Psion3a Based GPS Software
Suppliers of Car-PC able to run GPSS
Web site
Tel +44 (0)1922 457380. Fax +44 (0) 1922 57465.
Web Site
Web Site www.genrad.com
e-mail Jeffrey Tan
37 Tannery Lane, #07-01 Tannery House Singapore 347790
Tel No: +65 749 5077; Fax No: +65 749 4744;
e-mail Derek Jones IBM UK Labs, Hursley Park, Wincester, UK.