In 2024, yet more "photo trail" videos were added to showing life with the Lovelocks in Sunninghill, and the state of our house and garden - better than it ever was - but needs "Handyman" work - particularly indoors ! ;-)
Tap on a Printer to print versions of our newsletter mentioned above: "S" ; "K"; "J" Robin's 4xA4;
Or this (full) copy in
"P" (Portait)
xmas24.pdf in Portait
, or the "full" 5xA4 or more "L" (Landscape) PDF copy of this
in "Landscape"mode - Robin's preference for Television, Cinema, Newspapers, Magazines, Smartphones, Tablets or Computers. Yes, it* may grow ! :-)
* the online copy, if not the PDFs ;-)
I mentioned
my Youtube Channel
: Some will hate, but some may like, these videos on the right, with the most recent first - particularly my talking
about "Baldrick's Cunning Plans" - and you will see SOME progress ;-)
Homer is on "Christmas Guard Duty" again, helping Bentley & Tody keep an eye on our property, including the Camper.
On the left is us in December 2024, attending to Homer's needs ;-)
Significant events during 2024 and background activity ...
June's 2023 "Christmas Eve
Covid" delays Lovelock Celebrations ...
2024 New Year's Eve "delayed Christmas Lunch" at Saskia's & Gary's ...
Holiday in Maldives
for June & Samantha 29th February until 9th March ...
Somerset Long Weekend
with Gary, Saskia, Michelle, June, Samantha & Robin
in Sicily from late May with June, Samantha, & Robin.
Play the
Barbecue (BBQ) on
Sunday 23rd June 2024
in the Amenity Area.
Family Gathering Saturday 30th November for
Blenheim Palace Christmas Lights
Family Lunch on Friday 27th December 2024 at
Trigger Pond near Bicester :-)
Snoopy's Robot Boat MAY be ready in 2024 ??? If not, 2025.
Global Warming & James Lovelock's words still not understood ?
DVLA still prevent Robin driving Julie Lennard leaves DVLA.
Robin's friends in China & GPS Tracking hobbies ;-)
Samantha now redundant - BUT gives her more time to help June, in house & garden ;-)
Robin shifts priorities to Sunninghill: Pubs, Cafes, Restaurants, & Comrades Club ;-)
On Christmas Eve 2023, June's cough & cold got worse, with tiredness, and she tested positive for
It was, like for many, a mild cold, cough, and lethargy.
Samantha had similar symptoms but tested negative.
After a week, on New Year's Eve, we were all well enough for us to enjoy a "delayed Christmas Lunch" over at Gary & Saskia's place
on New Year's Eve.
June has been happy to drive, and walk short distances, such as down into our village of Sunninghill, to visit the Bansals
and/or shop in the newly opened Tesco Express. She continues with housework, watching TV, and the occasional game of tennis
- if it's not too cold for her :-)
By mid January, June continued to improve, and played an important role, helping others inside and outside the Lovelock family.
Lots of trips to collect materials for our garden, including hawthorne trees for the birds to nest in - safe from the cats !
June's Youtube Channel is on our
page, as is
June provided Robin with materials
to complete the flatlent fairy - complete with handbag and expensive jewelry :-)
Tap or Click on pictures to play a video.
We see the New Year in at home,
then are treated by Gary & Saskia over at Yately.
The "January 2024" video shows our home :-)
Visitors to our front door may have been startled by rude noises coming from the large "Fairy", which was one of Robin's uncompleted projects in 2023. Strong winds blew off some of her underwear, but she was soon re-dressed for the video.
The fairy was
completed in 2024. e.g. she ( or he ? ) holds a handbag, and gives
a suitably "camp" guesture :-)
The video reveals that Robin enjoys watching visitor's reactions, on the CCTV,
when he presses the remote control to the "Fart Machine", hidden under the gnome :-)
Robin has been able to do a LITTLE bit of work on Snoopy's Robot Boat, Snoopy Sloop 11, that survived 6 weeks at sea in 2022,
before miraculously sailing into Rottingdean, east of Brighton, so many miles from where it was last seen, west of Weymouth.
This picture, from
- linked from the
shows much of the basic work on the boat was completed in 2023. i.e. hull, sails, rudder, etc.
But in December 2024, help is still needed on things like GPS Logger, power system, and TESTING ! :-)
e.g. check Robin's work, such as soldering :-)
Blog11 also has this picture Of John Sylvester, founder member of Snoopy's Team Joker. Tap on it for the tribute to John. Robin, June, and friend Dick Bailey met at John's funeral, a lovely event. Sleep well John.
Did someone say "Work" ? Everyone knows that, since the 1970s, Robin spends much of his time getting others to do the real work - he likes to "use his time efficiently" ;-) Robin's "Cunning Plan" - taking advice from his friend Baldrick in 2022 - was to create space in their back garden for tools and materials to be moved from places like their Games Room, into more suitable accomodation. Important work was done in 2022, including rainwater drainage into the "Top Pond", down the stream, into the "Lower Pond" - now the "Duck Pond" with it's new "mossy" fence - and into the "bog garden" at the end. SOME more work was done in 2023, but little in 2024, partly due to June's poor health, and Robin's change of priorities. In 2024, Robin's friend Baldrick came up with another "Cunning Plan": Robin to encourage Samantha, now out of work, to spend less time in her room, watching TV, and more time helping June with housework, gardening, and consulting with Robin on where things might be put, in space created in the garden. Robin is often told where to stick things ;-)
Meanwhile, while Samantha and June spend much of their time watching tennis or other things on TV, Robin invests much of his day, "networking" with old and new friends in our village of Sunninghil. e.g. in places like pubs, restaurants, and cafes, and - most important - the Sunninghill Comrades Club ;-)
"We can't stop Global Warming. but we may delay it by a few decades, to give us time to prepare
for it's effects: vast areas of the World, including as close as continental Europe, becoming arid desert;
shrinking of habitable areas of the planet to much smaller parts of the planet, closer to the Poles.
The Earth will then only be able to support a small fraction of it's present population,
and there will be the need for massive migration. Places like the UK will remain temporate
a little longer, so will be an attractive destination. We need all World Governments to cooperate,
to prepare for this inevitability; also to agree things like reduced use of fossile fuels, to give us
a few more decades to prepare."
The above is not a quote, but how I remember what James Lovelock said in his book "The Revenge of Gaia: Why the Earth is Fighting Back and How We Can Still Save Humanity", published in February 2007. I read the book years ago, and have watched how World Governments have failed to grasp his main message. In my opinion, if Jim's prediction is true ( the end of this civilisation, throwing mankind back 10,000 years ) , it would probably be after Worldwide anarchy, and at least one nuclear or bio/chemical war. I hope he and many others are wrong, but I fear that they may be right.
This has been on my Grumpy page for years, and appears near the end of many of my 2024 videos on .
The August 2020 Crime video is below. The text on the above picture reads ...QUOTE: There are many cameras in Armitage Court ;-) The thieves leave the house, carrying the stolen goods. One frame from 4000 line Swann. Reduced 1000 line published. Better released later ? ;-) UNQUOTE. Some other videos here are directly relevant ;-)
from Robin, June, Samantha, & Tody Lovelock, 22 Armitage Court, Sunninghill, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 9TA, England, UK.
Tel UK (44) 01344 620775.
From Robin in 2023: It's very convenient for me, that there are so few visitors to this page: just those given the link.
See map and words near end of my
page ;-)
Not all visits are seen, and some browsers hide location, but you MAY find
Revolvermaps livestats for this page
of interest.
The video on the right shows several guys visiting at the same time, after I posted the link on the
forum to my
page :-)
© 1991-2024 Robin Lovelock.
There have been
Making those "photo trail" videos, in 2023, became an obsession.
Some local friends may have been pleased that I "paused" the habit, briefly,
but others encouraged me. Failure of my Samsung pocket camera has not helped :-| The photo trails are certainly valuable as an "aid to my memory",
and a communication aid on a wide range of topics - not just Snoopy's Robot Boat - to my Worlwide network of friends;-)
Robin started a new
Steve Markham page. Dunno why didn't do it before. Not just the Spitfire on TV.
Time together in 1970 as Flatemates and workmates at
and LOTS more. Steve quickly got back to Robin, saying he would rather the page not be there at all,
so, rather than make it "hidden", the link has been given less prominence on this 2024 Newsletter page.
Making updates and/or redactions to it, are on Robin's priority list.
If Steve reads this: anyone should know that I'm no stranger to topics such as publicity & security: see
Robin's CV
There are many photo trail videos on
and most include an amusing introduction, and end with what is important to me:
the prophetic words of James Lovelock, and my thoughts on the UK DVLA ;-)
Here are several of our 2024 videos ...
Have a Great Christmas, New Year, and 2025. Love & Strength ! :-)
Robin's Mobile 07736 353 404. Email: Main Website
is hosted on
A few guys, here and overseas, will have all my pages on hard disks, USB sticks, SD cards, etc. Nice to have "Backup" :-)
Who has visited this page ? BUT Revolvermaps stopped in 2024 :-(
I'll leave these words below unchanged, in case the Revolvermaps public service resumes. I don't mind paying for it ;-)
The visit counters may give a rough indication on who else is visiting, or has visited, this page.
I don't hide or disguise my visits, but they may appear as "Ascot", or miles away, like "Sandhurst, England" (on my Study PC),
or "Redhill", or "Southend-on-Sea" ( on the Lounge PC).
Positions may not be accurate, but times are.
These may change at any time, without control by me.
e.g. after a power cut, or my re-booting a router.
So, you may see if I'm "working" in the Study, or "relaxing" in the Lounge :-)
since Thursday 5th December 2024.