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Cliquez sur le drapeau français ci-dessus si vous préférez grenouilles et les escargots à Roast Beef :-)
While Snoopy waits for weather, we experiment with other robot boats such as Woodstock.
Eric's Model Boat page
and old
Snoopy Press Release
Snoopy's Boat is on
SPOT Trace map.
American Toy Boat lands in Wales
See the
MicroMite Computer
- fantastic software from Australia, better than that for the Arduino.
Our MicroMite Autopilots go into other robot boats.
I'm Robin Lovelock, and the Press have described me as a "retired NATO scientist".
I set up my
page in early 2008, when I started this crazy hobby project: developing a small robot boat, capable of sailing itself
across the Atlantic, from UK to USA.
There is more about me, our family, my earlier defence systems career, then GPS software business,
on my
Home page.
There was an earlier hobby project:
GPS Bottles thrown into the sea. We learnt a lot about wind and tide
- very applicable to robot boats !
I set up this "Woodstock" page in January 2019, because my more important Snoopy page was struggling to hold the videos from my Team-Joker friends, Peter and Dick, messing about with Woodstock, myself and friends. It's mostly "experimental stuff", and this old 2014 video probably belongs here :-)
The "Team-Joker Guys" video was made in October 2018, and tells you a little
about the guys working with me on Snoopy's Trans-Atlantic Attempts. It is many decades since our academic years,
and, since retiring, we are now all too busy for paid work :-)
You may like a visit to my
Robin's YouTube Channel
Peter uses
Samuel Fielder's YouTube Channel
to document the nitty-gritty details of his and Dick's work on Woodstock.
Woodstock was given to Team-Joker by Roger Llewellyn, with the moulds he made. It was called "George and Dragon", after his Microtransat team. Roger is now a member of Team-Joker, and I here is a video of this boat sailing on Bray Lake :-)
Here are some videos of testing Team-Joker's "Woodstock" on Horseshoe lake, starting with the Woodstock Team Briefing ...
Woodstock on Bray Lake, starting with a radio control test. Woodstock Tacking Tests including with Snoopy. Meanwhile, Boat 11 relaxes at home ;-)
Fun and games with Team-Joker, Woodstock, and Snoopy on Bray Lake on 13th and 17th January, then Saturday 9th February 2019. Click on pictures to play video or enlarge.
In brief: we started with small, prototypes, and a Pocket PC - Wind Vane based autopilot. We eventualy reached our design: Picaxe GPS-Only Autopilot, on a 4ft/1.2m long boat.
Snoopy on BBCTV in 2012... the full story... 2014 & Snoopy boat history...
2015 Atlantic Attempt - Why Brighton ? :-) ... Team-Joker - the old guys too busy to work :-)
There have been
visits to this page counted by
Digits Web Counter since 18th January 2019.
The French ENSTA-Bretagne boat, braving the Atlantic waves !
© 1991-2019 Robin Lovelock. Please credit www.gpss.co.uk if you use material from any of these pages. Thankyou.