Dear Sir,
Please do not be alarmed by this letter, with your name and address on the envelope, that I hope to deliver to your door later today. I am hoping you may be at home when I visit. Please do not panick and throw away the I-GotU, if you still have it.
If you have already read my pages, you will know that you have nothing to worry about.
What you did on Tuesday 9th July, happens all the time. Normally it is school boys, sometimes the military, and usually it is the whole boat that they take. Everyone is surprised on how I deal with it, and few know that these "pranks" often help me. e.g. maybe we should add notices on top of the boat: "We can see you!" :-)
I'm looking to talking with you both, at your place, mine, or in a pub over some beers :-)
Robin Lovelock