NHSCare.info Contact Page

updated Friday 10th June 2016

Most of this NHSCareinfo "Contact" page has not changed for years, but please see "contacting Robin Lovelock" below.

If you are a patient or their family, please try and answer your questions by reading these NHSCare.info pages.
You may wish to print the single page of detailed advice on our NHSCare.info Flyer.

Visit Steve's message board and MissLawBore's Forum; share your experiences with others; you are not alone.

Very few people know about NHSCare.info now, but we hope many more will find this web site in future.
Hundreds of thousands of families are owed money by the NHS, and this number increases each year.
We will remove or change details on this contact page according to our abilities to handle inquiries.

If www.nhscare.info is down, try www.gpss.co.uk/nhscare or user28153.vs.easily.co.uk/nhscare
or www.tsogpss.co.uk.gridhosted.co.uk/nhscare or www.gpss.force9.co.uk/nhscare
you may wish to bookmark all these identical sites, in case www.nhscare.info gets overloaded.

Pam, Derek, Steve, Ian and Robin below have all appeared on national and regional TV, radio and newspapers.
Please consult this page again if you don't get a reply within 24 hours: we may have been overloaded.

Please include your full postal address and landline 'phone number if contacting any of us.
We don't want to waste time worrying if anyone is trying to "play games" with us :-)

contacting Robin Lovelock

Robin Lovelock From Robin in August 2015: I am the editor of www.NHSCare.info, that I created in 2002. I have been the "messenger" in helping Derek Cole and others get their expert advice to a wider audience. My priority was always to provide free advice to Families, Solicitors, and others - particularly Newspapers, Radio, and TV, who might help "spread the word". e.g. UK Law, clarified by the Coughlan Case, still requires the NHS to pay all Care Home costs.

Over the years, those families that did contact me, were given some limited help, as outlined in the "families..." section below. Many kept me updated by email, with progress on their case, and this has been of indirect help to many others. e.g. their experiences with NHS, Social Services, and the Law Firm that I put them in contact with.

I welcome contact by email from anyone, but have always said, "Please include your full name, postal address and 'phone number of home or office so Robin may confirm your identity". My own home address is below.


If you give simple one line answers to these questions, Robin may be able to help a little, by email then by 'phone:

  • your full home address and landline 'phone number ?
  • your relationship to the patient, and their situation ? e.g. in NHS hospital, Care Home, or passed away.
  • what specific hospitals/care homes/NHS and Council authorities are relevant ?
  • have you posted on Steve's message board or MissLawbore's Forum ? If so, under what nickname ?
  • when did you discover www.nhscare.info ?
  • what, if any, advice have you applied from "simple advice to families" ?
  • have you received expert advice. e.g. from a law firm ? If so who, and would you recommend them ?

Robin will then send you a standard email which is not public. It points out the important advice on www.NHSCare.info and suggests that you contact a particular Law Firm. He offers to give you and your family more detail over the 'phone, including what to expect from NHS, Social Services, and this Law Firm. Over the years, many families have received this type of help, and most have emailed Robin with their progress, including opinion of particular solicitors, which indirectly helps other families.

Robin will also be glad to hear from you if you feel you have something to help our NHSCare.info cause. e.g. being put in contact with journalists.

others such as press, solicitors, police, polititians, charities ...

Robin welcomes contact from the press, solicitors, police, polititians, charities, business - including insurance companies, staff within the NHS, Social Services and Care Homes. Robin wishes to get the facts about "Coughlan" to a wider audience - as explained on the overview page.

Robin is on robin@nhscare.info and his home address is 22 Armitage Court, Sunninghill, Ascot, Berks SL5 9TA. He is not ex-directory.

More complete contact information is on Robin's Contact page www.GPSS.co.uk/contact.htm .

contacting Derek Cole

Derek is no longer contactable: by email or 'phone. He retired from our campaign several years ago.

Derek provided the expert legal advice, and much of the other detailed material on NHSCare.info. Derek helped perhaps 100 families with their cases, and was the prime mover in the early years of our campaign. He provided expert legal advice and was responsible for many initiatives, helping to educate other prime movers and the public. We all owe a great deal to Derek: thankyou.

contacting Steve Squires

Stephen Squires won his case which appeared in the 2003 Ombudsman's Report. Steve is on : steve@nhscare.info. and may also be contacted via 'phone or fax on 0183 7861225.

contacting Ian Perkin

Ian Perkin has been an active member of our campaign group in recent years, appearing on national television, including the recent BBC Panorama. Ian may be contacted on ian@nhscare.info

contacting Pam Coughlan

Many of you have seen Pam whenever the Television or Newspapers take an interest. Please don't send her an email unless she has good reason to read it and reply. Remember that her medical condition means that using her computer is much more difficult than the rest of us. You may email Pam, through Robin, on pam@nhscare.info . Robin also has Pam's 'phone number. She is available some afternoons.
Please include your full name, postal address and 'phone number of home or office so Robin may confirm your identity.

the band of brothers - and sisters

from Robin: For many years I've sometimes mentioned the "core group on NHSCare.info", or "our band of brothers - and sisters". The term "band of brothers" originates from Shakespeare’s Henry V and " We few, we happy few, we band of brothers". The sister is, of course, Pamela Coughlan. The others include Derek Cole, David Gooch, Stephen Squires, Ian Perkins, Bleddyn Hancock and myself. i.e. those most active in providing free information on www.nhscare.info and in furthering our cause to make the NHS and Government obey the law. I would like to thank these fellow-campaigners, and the many more who are fighting their own cases, or simply helping us "spread the word": Thankyou.

Pam Coughlan Derek Cole David Gooch Steve Squires Ian Perkin Bleddyn Hancock Robin Lovelock